Knew-Trish-Anne (n(y)o͞oˈtriSH(ə)n/)

I’m not sure how many of you know or knew Trish Anne? I do remember her and she’s been a long-time friend of mine. The
saying goes something like “we go way back”. I’d like to share the history of my relationship with Trish Anne. I’ll try to keep it rated PG for those with sensitive ears. During the last couple years of high school is when I was introduced to Trish Anne. As I remember it, it all started when I began working out at the highschool gym. It’s funny to think I started working out primarilybecause that’s what my friends were doing. At that age thetendency for most is to be a follower and that’s exactly what I did most of my high school years (regrettably). I recall this is also the time period where hormones are raging and I’d be lying if I didn’t say Trish Anne and I became increasingly flirtatious. I didn’t try to impress her by playing sports because I didn’tparticipate in high school sports. I tried winning her approval byfocusing on my outward appearance. So I began weight training.I was starting to uncover the road of being more aesthetically pleasing. I mean who didn’t want to be more attractive to the opposite sex in high school. Being that I was already vertically challenged which brought about its own set of drawbacks, I didn’t want to also be the scrawny kid. I was certainly not a chubby kid and at byest I’d say I was an average build. Probably on the leaner side. I thought what better way to impress Trish Anne by becoming more macho. I was no magician by any means, but I did create a persuasive illusion of coming off “bigger” than I was. I think working out helped me find moreconfidence when roaming those high school halls. I did my bestwith weight training and at the time probably didn’t have much a clue of what I was doing. I think that’s a safe bet to attribute toany high school aged kid. The thought process of thinking theyknow it all, but in all reality they know very little. Un poquito.Still to this day I probably don’t know much.
I’m not sure how many of you know or knew Trish Anne? I do remember her and she’s been a long-time friend of mine. The
saying goes something like “we go way back”. I’d like to share the history of my relationship with Trish Anne. I’ll try to keep it rated PG for those with sensitive ears. During the last couple years of high school is when I was introduced to Trish Anne. As I remember it, it all started when I began working out at the highschool gym. It’s funny to think I started working out primarilybecause that’s what my friends were doing. At that age thetendency for most is to be a follower and that’s exactly what I did most of my high school years (regrettably). I recall this is also the time period where hormones are raging and I’d be lying if I didn’t say Trish Anne and I became increasingly flirtatious. I didn’t try to impress her by playing sports because I didn’tparticipate in high school sports. I tried winning her approval byfocusing on my outward appearance. So I began weight training.I was starting to uncover the road of being more aesthetically pleasing. I mean who didn’t want to be more attractive to the opposite sex in high school. Being that I was already vertically challenged which brought about its own set of drawbacks, I didn’t want to also be the scrawny kid. I was certainly not a chubby kid and at byest I’d say I was an average build. Probably on the leaner side. I thought what better way to impress Trish Anne by becoming more macho. I was no magician by any means, but I did create a persuasive illusion of coming off “bigger” than I was. I think working out helped me find moreconfidence when roaming those high school halls. I did my bestwith weight training and at the time probably didn’t have much a clue of what I was doing. I think that’s a safe bet to attribute toany high school aged kid. The thought process of thinking theyknow it all, but in all reality they know very little. Un poquito.Still to this day I probably don’t know much.
Little did I know the next 15+ years of my life would consist of me becoming obsessed with getting to know Trish Anne. (I hope this doesn’t raise any red flags with my wife). A blooming romance of dumbbells, protein powders, internet articles, and Trish Anne. I was always fascinated with how one could manipulate the body in such way to get the look they want. The idea of consistency and structure of a workoutregimen kept me focused and instilled true will power. Body sculpting is a true art. As a young kid growing up watching WWF (WWE nowadays) and seeing the physiques of Ultimate Warrior, Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, was what probably manifested the idea that maybe one day I could resemble their monstrosity. I can’t say for certain, however, I do think this kind of shaped why I had such an interest. Also, having an older brother who threw around some weights in the basement probably peaked some interest. This passion of mine eventually grew into 4-5 days a week at the gym and spending anywhere from 1-2 hoursthere. Being called a gym rat would have been acceptable in my book. Look Ma, there’s a gym rat! The way I saw or knew Trish Anne back then was merely to gain muscle and look like one of those guys in Muscle and Fitness magazines. Or so I thought I was on my way. Keep in mind, my frame is 5’4 and back then my top weight was 152lbs. I may have been aesthetically pleasing in my eyes, but to think I could have made it into a magazine I was far from that stature. The way I saw Trish Anne in the earlier days was trying to consume as much protein as possible for muscle growth and include some complex carbohydrates for fuel. While this may have been a recipe that worked while I was still in my 20’s, I don’t think it would have the same impact in the present day at the ripe age of 33. I didn’t stop eating this way because I was starting to gain weight. In fact, I stayed lean and muscular for a long while. I still believe my efforts from those days helped me preserve muscle and maintain lower body fat percentages. The reason why the eating habits back then changed to what they would evolve into was because of a bacterial infection of the skin. This is where Trish Anne and I started to disagree. In the most loving way possible she became a bitch and she knew it. Yes, I suffered from a condition called folliculitis / possibly even MRSA. The bacterial infection authority say I picked it up from the gym as these types of things are prevalent in dirty facilities. And until you come in contact with it, it doesn’t rear its ugly head. I guess my “gym rat” days became too much and I either got it from a barbell or bench. After many visits to the dermatologist it was apparent I had come under attack of this skin issue. It was then I would be introduced to medicinal products to treat symptoms and “cure” the flare ups. I was subscribed ointments and antibiotics. Tetracycline, one of the many antibiotics I would try worked only during the timeframe I was taking them. It was a difficult time for me. On top of that I went through my teenage years having acne and trying any and every OTC product they had.Dealing with acne plus having a skin infection after years of trying to find a solution was life-draining. It wasn’t the happiest time in my life and I didn’t care to see Trish Anne much. I really wish instead of my parents buying a monthly supply of Proactiv ($50/month) for years that they would have invested the $50 into the Stock Market. I’d probably be a millionaire today. Anyways having taken antibiotics on and off for 5 years would soon become the reason I started looking at Trish Anne in a different fashion. To be continued…
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